A More Peaceful, Just and Harmonious World
“Up to this point, the creative principal illustrated through the laws of attraction has been used in a way that has kept us in perfect alignment with the capitalistic belief that we have been conditioned to accept—the belief that we are little more than consumers. Under this conditioning, we have lost sight of the truth of our personhood, lost sight of our humanity and connectivity with the rest of creation.
But now we’re in the midst of another evolutionary shift: one that requires us to expand our awareness, to recognize the truth of our interconnectedness, and then to understand how our thoughts, words and actions impact the entire creation.
It is time for us to take what we’ve learned through the laws of attraction and begin using those creative powers to reunite humanity, heal the spiritual and psychic wounds that we’ve created, and begin the process of healing Mother Earth.
At one time, our awareness was aligned with the movement of the entire creation, and our notions of success were tied to the success of the whole. Somewhere along the way, we lost that alignment. Now, we must get it back and begin collectively imagining a more peaceful, just and harmonious world into being.”
—Sherri Mitchell, (from Sacred Instructions)
Weh’na Ha’mu’ Kwasset (She Who Brings the Light)