Immune-boosting Morning Porridge
Most mornings, I make a simple oat porridge for breakfast—but I shift-it-up to suit my spirit…and my immediate (and long-term) health needs. My favorite, currently is…
Organic Rolled Oats
Hemp Hearts
Chia Seeds
Goji Berries
Blue Berries
1 tsp Ground Ashwagandha Powder
…and I add to this Almond Milk, Oat Milk, Non-Dairy Yogurt and/or, etc…
with a dash each of…
Cinnamon, Ground Cloves, Nutmeg and Cardamom (each of these for specific health reasons). Sometimes, Astragalus Root or Powder.
I heat on very low heat—just to “waken” the herbs and make warm. Gentle. That’s the best way to get the best of the herbs and spices.